TTL Default Settings:
Bits per second - 38400
Data Bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop Bits - 1
Flow Control - None
Ctrl + z (initiates the terminal connection and should prompt with level T>)
Ctrl + a (displays drive info, Package Version, Serial #, Model # (useful for missing label), Servo FW, etc.
Ctrl + l (displays drive info, # heads, serial, preamp type, family ID, etc.)
Ctrl + c (tells some drives to spin down, can be used immediately after CTL + z)
Ctrl + x (displays log of history commands)
/X (used to change levels, replace X with level 2, 3, 4,... 7, T, etc.)
2>Z (puts drive to sleep)
2>U (spins drive up)
7>X (test read/write head resistance)
T>B[N] (sets baud rate to N, so for example T>B921000 sets to 921000 baud. If invald rate is input, e.g. B1, drive will report supported rates)
T>V1 (returns slip defect list - confirm translator loading)
T>V2 (checks T-List)
T>V4 (checks G-List entries)
T>V10 (checks P-List)
T>V40 (checks for non-resident G-list entries)
1>G6A (clear P-List - Not Recommended!)
T> i2,2,22 (clear T-List - Non Recommended!)
C>Q (returns list of all available commands, sometimes just says "No Help Available" on all of them)
1>N1 (clears S.M.A.R.T)
1>N5 (returns SMART values in terminal window)
T>i4,1,22 (clears G-List)
7>m100 (clears DOS config tables)
T>J (displays CAP which has some drive info such as internal model, family ID, serial numbers, etc.)
C>U10 (regenerate MCMT while retaining MC contents)
C>U2 (regenerate MCMT and MC)
Bits per second - 38400
Data Bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop Bits - 1
Flow Control - None
Ctrl + z (initiates the terminal connection and should prompt with level T>)
Ctrl + a (displays drive info, Package Version, Serial #, Model # (useful for missing label), Servo FW, etc.
Ctrl + l (displays drive info, # heads, serial, preamp type, family ID, etc.)
Ctrl + c (tells some drives to spin down, can be used immediately after CTL + z)
Ctrl + x (displays log of history commands)
/X (used to change levels, replace X with level 2, 3, 4,... 7, T, etc.)
2>Z (puts drive to sleep)
2>U (spins drive up)
7>X (test read/write head resistance)
T>B[N] (sets baud rate to N, so for example T>B921000 sets to 921000 baud. If invald rate is input, e.g. B1, drive will report supported rates)
T>V1 (returns slip defect list - confirm translator loading)
T>V2 (checks T-List)
T>V4 (checks G-List entries)
T>V10 (checks P-List)
T>V40 (checks for non-resident G-list entries)
1>G6A (clear P-List - Not Recommended!)
T> i2,2,22 (clear T-List - Non Recommended!)
C>Q (returns list of all available commands, sometimes just says "No Help Available" on all of them)
1>N1 (clears S.M.A.R.T)
1>N5 (returns SMART values in terminal window)
T>i4,1,22 (clears G-List)
7>m100 (clears DOS config tables)
T>J (displays CAP which has some drive info such as internal model, family ID, serial numbers, etc.)
C>U10 (regenerate MCMT while retaining MC contents)
C>U2 (regenerate MCMT and MC)